The Wagner Journal

Houston’s Mission Control: Eva Rieger is impressed by a large-scale biography of Cosima’s English son-in-law

Houston’s Mission Control: Eva Rieger is impressed by a large-scale biography of Cosima’s English son-in-law

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Review of Sven Fritz, Houston Stewart Chamberlain. Rassenwahn und Welterlösung. Biographie (Schönigh, 2022).

November 2022, Volume 16, Number 3, 94–6.

There have been previous attempts to document the life and work of Houston Stewart Chamberlain (1855–1927), but no one has hitherto undertaken the kind of thorough, detailed study that is presented by Sven Fritz in Houston Stewart Chamberlain. Rassenwahn und Welterlösung. Biographie (Houston Stewart Chamberlain. Racial delusion and world redemption. A biography). Chamberlain was English-born, but a key figure in the development of politics and racial attitudes in Germany.

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