Index of Contents
The following is an index of the contents of The Wagner Journal from its inaugural issue of March 2007. It is divided into two sections, Features and Reviews, each further sub-divided for easy reference.
Life, Personality, Family, Friends
Emre Aracı, Wagner and the Ottomans
Peter Bassett, How Tristan and Isolde Almost Went Down to Rio
Dagny R. Beidler, The Rosebush Pictures of Wagner’s Daughter Isolde
Dagny Beidler, Steadfast and Upstanding: Franz Wilhelm Beidler, Richard Wagner’s Eldest Grandson
Mark Berry, The Positive Influence of Wagner upon Nietzsche
Werner Breig, Notes on Richard Wagner’s Correspondence from the Zurich Period
David Conway, Jews, Music and Wagner
David Cormack, An Abduction from the Seraglio: Rescuing Jessie Laussot
David Cormack, Antipodean: The Converse Life of David Irvine, with Four Unpublished Letters
David Cormack, Our English Monster-Man
Eric Doughney, Winifred Wagner: Wahnfried, Politics and Individuation
Eric Doughney, Wagner and Parsifal: A Jungian and Eriksonian Perspective
Laurence Dreyfus, Extract from Parsifal’s Seduction: A Novel
Ulrich Drüner, Legend and Reality in Wagner’s Creativity
Barry Emslie: The Volk That Wagner Loved to Hate: A Reply to Derek Hughes
Barry Emslie, Wagner: Race, Nation, Culture
Joseph Horowitz, Ludwig Revisited
Derek Hughes, Wagner and the Boryspil Pogrom: A Reply to Barry Emslie
Derek Hughes, Wagner and ‘the Jew Guggenheim’
Derek Hughes, Wagner: Race, Nationalism and Other Distractions
Derek Hughes, Wagner: The Pogrom and the Critics
Derek Hughes, Wagner’s Worst Joke
Ingrid Kapsamer, Wieland Wagner’s Intellectual Path
Jonas Karlsson, Bernhard Loeser and the Berlin Premiere of Die Meistersinger
Jonathan Kregor, Liszt’s Wagner
Heath Lees, Transformation at Tribschen: How a French Literary Trio Became a Wagnerian Musical Trio
Bryan Magee, Wagner and Thomas Love Peacock: An Unlikely Alliance
Adrian Müller, Kurt Overhoff and Wieland Wagner’s Bayreuth
Eva Rieger, ‘Only You Could Save Bayreuth!’: The Life of Richard Wagner’s Granddaughter Friedelind
Eva Rieger, A Postscript to ‘A Breath of Sorrow’
Tash Siddiqui, Richard Wagner and the Mystery of Old Compton Street
Stewart Spencer, Wagner and Gaetano Ghezzi
Katherine Syer, Setting the Record Straight: Wendelin Weißheimer and the Wagners
Hans Rudolf Vaget, ‘Es lebe Amerika!’: Richard Wagner and the United States
Nicholas Vazsonyi, Wagner®: the Making of a Brand
Chris Walton, The Other Minna Wagner, Or: When Richard and Minna Can-Canned in Vienna
Chris Walton, Tribschen for the Birds? Richard Wagner, Enmeshed in Litigation
Chris Walton, Voicing Mathilde: Wagner’s Controlling Muse
Chris Walton, Zurich’s ‘Villa Rienzi’: A Newly Discovered Picture of Wagner’s Lakeside Home
Reception, Influence, Posthumous Matters
Udo Bermbach, German Readings of the Ring
Leo Cabranes-Grant, Kierkegaard, Wagner and the Quest for Operatic Immediacy
Deborah Calland and Barry Millington, ‘Lonely Walk’: An Unpublished Song by Alma Schindler-Mahler
Jeremy Coleman, Redemption from the Redeemer? Review Article on Roger Scruton and his Wagner’s ‘Parsifal’
David Cormack, Ernest Newman in ‘Naziland’: In Search of Otto Strobel
David Cormack, Turning the Telescope Round
Adrian Daub and Elisabeth Bronfen, Broomhilda Unchained: Tarantino’s Wagner
Paul du Quenoy, ‘Honeymoon to Bayreuth’: French Appreciations of Richard Wagner in the Interwar Era
Barry Emslie, Being German: Richard Wagner and Thomas Mann
Kate Hopkins, A Wagnerian Novel: Willa Cather’s The Song of the Lark
Stephen Johnson, Janne’s Rhine Journey: What Sibelius Learned From Wagner
Jonas Karlsson, Wagnerian Iconography in the Kladderadatsch, 1914–1944
William Kinderman, From Death in Venice to The Magic Mountain: Thomas Mann’s Ironic Response to Wagner
Joachim Köhler, Wagner’s Acquittal
Barry Millington, The Fleshly School: Wagner and Swinburne
Barry Millington, Manifestations of the Gesamtkunstwerk in Fin-de-Siècle Vienna
Barry Millington, Wagner and the ‘English Musical Renaissance’
Israfel Mondego [alias Gertrude Hudson], Buggins at Bayreuth
Kirsten Paige, On the Politics of Wagnerian Care
Charlotte Purkis, Passion or Fashion? British Female Wagnerites ‘Out and About’ Around 1900
Alex Ross, Götterdämmerung 1945: Wagnerian Fantasies in English-Language Reports of Hitler’s Death
Alexander H. Shapiro, McEwan and Forster, the Perfect Wagnerites
Na’ama Sheffi, Sound of Silence and Struggle: Wagner and the Israelis
Diane V. Silverthorne, Wagnerism – No End in Sight
Anna Stoll Knecht, Mahler’s Parsifal
Jeffrey Swann, Wagner and Proust
Katherine Syer, Die Frau ohne Schatten: A Wagnerian Succession Story
Hans Rudolf Vaget, The Importance of Ernest Newman
Hans Rudolf Vaget, Knappertsbusch in Bayreuth
Hans Rudolf Vaget, Nazi Cinema and Wagner
Hans Rudolf Vaget, ‘Operation Walküre’: The Movie and the History
Nicholas Vazsonyi, Warning: Consuming Wagner Can be Hazardous to your Health. Tristan und Isolde and Death in Venice
Arnold Whittall, From Wagner to Boulez: A Modernist Trajectory
Arnold Whittall, Telling Tales: Variations on Wagnerian Themes
Ben Winters, Magic Fire: A Wagner Film with a Difference
Performance, Interpreters
Roger Allen, ‘Enthüllet den Gral’: Towards a Methodology of Historical Wagner Recordings
Roger Allen, Of Bridge-Builders, Arch-Critics and Miniaturists: The Art of Wagner Conducting
Owe Ander, Rienzi in Swedish (1865): The Case of the Stockholm Score
David Breckbill, Wagner Tenors and the Quest for the ‘Ideal’
Chang Tou Liang, Wagner in the Tropics
Kate Hopkins, Much More than Volume: Richard Wagner and the Voice
Joseph Horowitz, Remembering Artur Bodanzky
Niall Hoskin, ‘Ein edler Werk zu tun’: An Appreciation of Norman Bailey (1933–2021)
Derek Hughes, New Witnesses of Toscanini’s Bayreuth
Michael Letchford, Therese Malten: Wagner’s Devoted Kundry
Brooke McCorkle Okazaki, Gender, Japan and the Takarazuka Revue’s 1968 Tristan and Isolde
Karin Martensen, Being Isolde: The Theory and Practice of Anna Bahr-Mildenburg
David Milsom, Style and Sonority in Wagner String Performance
Eva Rieger, Frida Leider and the Nazis
Eva Rieger, How a Women’s Network Kept Wagner’s Tradition Alive
Katherine Syer, ‘It was obviously meant to be’: An Interview with Pietari Inkinen
Simon Trezise, The Mapleson Cylinders: Wagner at the Met, 1900–1904
Simon Trezise, Reflections on Phrasing and Expressive Gesture in Wagner Singing
Chris Walton, Adapting Wagner for the Young: An Interview with Merle Fahrholz and Alvaro Schoeck
Staging, Direction, Design
Mark Berry, Interpreting Wagner’s Dreams: Staging Parsifal in the Twenty-first Century
Edward A. Bortnichak and Paula M. Bortnichak, Kindred Spirits of Meiningen and Bayreuth
Russell Burdekin, Darkening the Auditorium at Bayreuth in 1876
Patrick Carnegy, Reckoning up the Ring: A Mathematician’s Diary of Bayreuth 1876
Bryan Coxson, ‘A Contented Little Band of Artists’: The Manchester Six-Night Ring Cycle
Jerry Floyd, Cooking the Ring: Francesca Zambello on her production for San Francisco
Joachim Herz, Postmodernism Occupies Richard Wagner
Wendy Ligon Smith, Mariano Fortuny and His Wagnerian Designs
Richard Mecarsel, Wagner, Artaud and Brecht: The Shaping of Modern Art
Barry Millington, All in it Together: the Gesamtkunstwerk Revisited
Philippe Olivier, The Ring in France 1911–2006
Nila Parly, Doing the Diva Dying: Performative Studies of Death in Tristan und Isolde
Clemens Risi, Wagner and German Regietheater: In Search of New Analytical Approaches
Diane V. Silverthorne, Wagner’s Tristan und Isolde, Arranged Mahler, Roller: The Will Made Visible
Katherine Syer, Ring in the New Century
Keith Warner, Gesamt Werk Kunst: A Few New Thoughts
Keith Warner, Sachs in a Dream World
Simon Williams, Timely Timelessness: Regietheater at Bayreuth in the 1970s
David Breckbill 1957–2016: Barry Millington pays tribute to a valued friend and colleague
Matthew Rye 1962–2023: Barry Millington pays tribute to an incomparable colleague
Nicolas Bell, Wagner Manuscripts at the British Library
Sigmund Freud, Totem and Taboo (extract)
Barry Millington, Under the Covers: A Report on the Reopened Wahnfried and New Archives in Bayreuth
Alma Schindler-Mahler, ‘Einsamer Gang’, published for the first time in a special supplement
Tash Siddiqui, Strange and Forbidden Fruits: Report on the Conference at Leeds University
Tash Siddiqui, Valhalla Online: The Wagner Journal’s New Website
Prose Writings
Michael Dyson, Sea, Mirror, Woman, Love: Some Recurrent Imagery in ‘Opera and Drama’
Hilda Meldrum Brown, Richard Wagner and the ‘Zurich writings’ 1849–51: From Revolution to Ring
Richard Wagner, Bellini’s ‘Norma’, translated by Stewart Spencer
Richard Wagner, Autobiographical Sketch (to 1842), translated and annotated by Thomas Grey
Richard Wagner, Observations on Today’s German Opera Scene, translated by Niall Hoskin
Richard Wagner, Report on the Production of Tannhäuser in Paris, translated by Niall Hoskin
Chris Walton, Wagner, Berlioz and the Origins of Über das Dirigieren
Works: Miscellaneous
Peter Bassett, The Use of Eastern Concepts in Wagner’s Stage Works
Peter Bloom, Tracking Träume: The Sources and Sounds of Wagner’s Wesendonck Lied
Mark B. Chadwick, Wagner and Science: Twilight of the Gods Across the Multiverse
Kate Hopkins, Agents of Loving Empathy: Wagner Heroines Reassessed
Malcolm Miller, ‘This Round of Songs’: Cyclic Coherence in the Wesendonck Lieder
Barry Millington, Happy Families: A Wagner Singspiel Rediscovered
Christopher Wintle, Wagner’s Spatial Style
Works: Der fliegende Holländer
Edward A. and Paula M. Bortnichak, Redeeming Senta
Michael Fuller, Redemption in Wagner: The Case of Senta
Kate Hopkins, Deluded Neurotic or Visionary Woman of the Future? Senta Revalued
Works: Tannhäuser
Arnold Whittall, Tannhäuser: The Rhetoric of Opposition in Wagner’s Romantic Operas
Works: Lohengrin
Daniel Sheridan, Sounding the Silver Age: The Weimar Lohengrin and Choral Monuments
Works: Der Ring des Nibelungen
Roger Allen, ‘The old order changeth, yielding place to new’: Siegfried Act III, Scene 1
Edward A. Bortnichak and Paula M. Bortnichak, The ‘Missing Link’ in the Evolution of Wagner’s Siegfried
Werner Breig, Craft and Magic: Forges and Forging in Wagner’s Ring
Laurence Dreyfus, Siegfried’s Masculinity
Michael Dyson: ‘Do not speak of the Volsungs’: Brünnhilde’s Rescue of Sieglinde from Wotan
Barry Emslie, The Kiss of the Dragon-Slayer
Edward R. Haymes, The Introduction of Nordic Sources for the Nibelung Legend into Germany
Joachim Köhler, The Ring and the Romantic Tradition
Nila Parly, Visions of the Ring
Stella P. Revard, Making All Things New: From Paradise Lost to the Ring
Suddhaseel Sen, Brünnhilde, the Aryan Satī: Wagner and German Orientalism
Alexander Shapiro and Barry Emslie, ‘All is Clear to me Now’: Brünnhilde as World Historical Hero
Michael Trimble, Dale C. Hesdorffer and Robert Letellier, The Mystery of Wotan’s Missing Eye
Arnold Whittall, ’Accompanied by solemn songs’: Wagner’s Ring as it might have been
Arnold Whittall, Heroic Gestures and Family Values in Wagner’s Ring
Arnold Whittall, A Tale of Two Brothers: The Giants and the Ring
Arnold Whittall, A Tale of Two Sisters: Brünnhilde, Waltraute and the Fate of Valhalla
Christopher Wintle, Sibling-Incest in the Ring
Christopher Wintle, Wotan’s Offspring: A Clarification
Works: Tristan und Isolde
John Deathridge, Public and Private Life: Scenes and Episodes from the Composition of Tristan und Isolde
Works: Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg
Paula M. Bortnichak and Edward A. Bortnichak, Dream Work: The Inner World of Die Meistersinger
Ryan M. Prendergast, Deadly Serious: Humour and Humourlessness in Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg
Arnold Whittall, A Public–Private Partnership: Wagner ’s Voices in Die Meistersinger
Works: Parsifal
Genevieve Robyn Arkle, Expressions of Suffering: The Five ‘Turn Motifs’ of Wagner’s Parsifal
Mark Berry, Is it Here that Time becomes Space? Hegel, Schopenhauer, History and Grace in Parsifal
Edward A. Bortnichak and Paula M. Bortnichak, Monsalvat’s Magnetic Wand
Patrick Carnegy, Syberberg’s Parsifal and the Soul of Germany
Tom DeRose, Wagner, Freud and Nietzsche in Berlin
Laurence Dreyfus, Music and the Unseen: Narrative Paradigms in Parsifal
Stephen Gee, Wagner’s Parsifal: A Hymn of Purity and Danger
Justin Mueller, The Remediated Soundscape of Syberberg’s Parsifal
Peter Quantrill, Knappe oder Ritter?
Eva Rieger, Kundry’s Kiss and the Fear of Female Desire: A Gender Perspective
Ivan Ward, Parsifal as Castration Drama
Christopher Wintle, Kundry’s Baptism, Kundry’s Death
Reviews (live and streamed performances)
Die Feen, directed Doucet, conducted Schirmer, Leipzig, 2013. Mark Berry.
Die Feen, directed Doucet, conducted Foremny, Leipzig, 2022. Michael Fuller.
Der fliegende Holländer, directed Christopher Alden, conducted Debus, Toronto, 2022. Wayne Gooding.
Der fliegende Holländer, directed David Alden, conducted Guggeis, Santa Fe, 2023. Simon Williams.
The Flying Dutchman, directed Bradley, conducted Burke, OperaUpClose, 2023. Richard Laing.
Der fliegende Holländer, directed Gloger, conducted Thielemann, Bayreuth, 2012. Tash Siddiqui.
Der fliegende Holländer, directed Gürbaca, conducted Pointner, Antwerp, 2016. Matthew Rye.
Der fliegende Holländer, directed Guthrie, conducted Negus, Longborough, 2018. Christopher Wintle.
Der fliegende Holländer, directed Kent, conducted Mallwitz, Copenhagen, 2014. Michael Fuller.
Der fliegende Holländer, directed Khan, conducted Ridley, Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, 2024.
Der fliegende Holländer, directed Klepper, conducted Fiore, Dresden, 2019. Michael Fuller.
Der fliegende Holländer, directed Konwitschny, conducted Auguin, Munich, 2008. Barry Millington.
Der fliegende Holländer, directed Tcherniakov, conducted Lyniv, Bayreuth, 2022. Barry Millington.
Götterdämmerung, directed Braunschweig, conducted Rattle, Aix-en-Provence, 2009. Mark Berry.
Götterdämmerung, directed Cassiers, conducted Barenboim, Schillertheater, 2013. Mark Berry.
Götterdämmerung, directed Freyer, conducted Conlon, Los Angeles, 2010. Simon Williams.
Götterdämmerung, directed Krämer, conducted Jordan, Opéra Bastille, Paris, 2011. Mark Berry.
Götterdämmerung, directed Kratzer, conducted Brown, Karlsruhe, 2017. Matthew Rye.
Götterdämmerung, directed Lane, conducted Negus, Longborough, 2023. Barry Millington.
Götterdämmerung, directed Lepage, conducted Luisi, New York Met, 2012. Wayne Gooding.
Götterdämmerung, directed Privett, conducted Negus, Longborough, 2012. Barry Millington.
Götterdämmerung, directed Sugao, conducted Calesso, Würzburg, 2019. Matthew Rye.
Götterdämmerung, directed Stöppler, conducted García Calvo, Chemnitz, 2018. Matthew Rye.
Götterdämmerung, directed von Peter and Cianfarini, conducted Nott, Basel, 2024. Michael Fuller.
Das Liebesverbot, directed Clément, conducted Trinks, Mulhouse, 2016. Michael Fuller.
Das Liebesverbot, directed Stiehl, conducted Foremny, Leipzig, 2013. Mark Berry.
Das Liebesverbot, directed Stiehl, conducted Foremny, Leipzig, 2022. Michael Fuller.
Das Liebesverbot (concert perf.), conducted Negus, Cadogan Hall, London, 2015. Barry Millington.
Lohengrin, directed David Alden, conducted Nelsons, Royal Opera House, London, 2018. Tash Siddiqui.
Lohengrin, directed David Alden, conducted Eun Sun Kim, San Francisco, 2023. Simon Williams.
Lohengrin, directed Audi, conducted Albrecht, Amsterdam, 2014. Michael Fuller.
Lohengrin, directed Bieito, conducted Pintscher, Berlin Staatsoper, 2020 (online). Michael Fuller.
Lohengrin, directed Friedrich, conducted Schønwandt, Deutsche Oper Berlin, 2008. Barry Millington.
Lohengrin, directed Friedrich, conducted Schønwandt, Deutsche Oper Berlin, 2010. Mark Berry.
Lohengrin, directed Girard, conducted Nézet-Séguin, New York Met, 2023. Katherine Syer.
Lohengrin, directed Gürbaca, conducted Netopil, Essen, 2016. Matthew Rye.
Lohengrin, directed Guth, conducted Barenboim, Milan, 2012. Emanuele Senici.
Lohengrin, directed Guth, conducted Jordan, Opéra Bastille, Paris, 2016. Michael Fuller.
Lohengrin, directed Herheim, conducted Barenboim, Berlin Staatsoper, 2009. Barry Millington.
Lohengrin, directed Hermann, conducted Mallwitz, Nuremberg, 2019. Matthew Rye.
Lohengrin, directed Holten, conducted Kober, Deutsche Oper Berlin, 2016. Michael Fuller.
Lohengrin, directed Holten, conducted Conlon, Deutsche Oper Berlin, 2023. Hermann Grampp.
Lohengrin, directed Homoki, conducted Young, Zurich, 2014. Michael Fuller.
Lohengrin, directed Jones, conducted Koenigs, Munich, 2019. Michael Fuller.
Lohengrin, directed Konwitschny, conducted Layer, Copenhagen, 2007. Barry Milllington.
Lohengrin, directed Konwitschny, conducted Schirmer, Leipzig, 2009. Mark Berry.
Lohengrin, directed Moshinsky, conducted Bychkov, Royal Opera House, London, 2009. Barry Millington.
Lohengrin, directed Neuenfels, conducted Nelsons, Bayreuth, 2010. Barry Millington.
Lohengrin, directed Neuenfels, conducted Nelsons, Bayreuth, 2011. Barry Millington.
Lohengrin, directed Neuenfels, conducted Nelsons, Bayreuth, 2012. Tash Siddiqui.
Lohengrin, directed Sharon, conducted Thielemann, Bayreuth, 2018. Barry Millington.
Lohengrin, directed Sharon, conducted Thielemann, Bayreuth, 2019. Barry Millington.
Lohengrin, directed Widder, conducted Huber, Pforzheim, 2015. Matthew Rye.
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, directed Herheim, conducted Gatti, Salzburg, 2013. Mark Berry.
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, directed Herzog, conducted Thielemann, Dresden, 2020. Matthew Rye.
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, directed Jakubaschk, conducted Bäumer, Mainz, 2015. Matthew Rye.
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, directed Jones, conducted Koenigs, Cardiff, 2010. Barry Millington.
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, directed Kosky, conducted Jordan, Bayreuth, 2017. Barry Millington.
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, directed Kosky, conducted Jordan, Bayreuth, 2018. Barry Millington.
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, directed Kupfer, conducted Gatti, Zurich, 2012. Jerry Floyd.
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, directed Lowery, conducted Soddy, Mannheim, 2018. Matthew Rye.
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, directed Mottl, conducted Lange, Wiesbaden, 2018. Matthew Rye.
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, directed Pelly, conducted Heras-Casado, Madrid, 2024. David Evans.
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, directed Warner, conducted Jordan, Vienna, 2022. Katherine Syer.
Parsifal, directed Audi, conducted Albrecht, Amsterdam, 2016. Michael Fuller.
Parsifal, directed Audi, conducted Kirill Petrenko, Munich, 2018. Matthew Rye.
Parsifal, directed Caird, conducted Davis, Chicago, 2013. Katherine Syer.
Parsifal, directed Castellucci, conducted Haenchen, Brussels, 2011. Hugo Shirley.
Parsifal, directed Dietze, conducted Merkel, Koblenz, 2022. Matthew Rye.
Parsifal, directed Freyer, conducted Nagano, Hamburg, 2017. Matthew Rye.
Parsifal, directed Girard, conducted Fisch, New York Met, 2013. Barry Millington.
Parsifal, directed Grüber, conducted Haitink, Royal Opera House, London, 2007. Barry Millington.
Parsifal, directed Gürbaca, conducted Meister, Antwerp, 2018 (via OperaVision). Michael Fuller.
Parsifal, directed Guth, conducted Boder, Barcelona, 2011. Jerry Floyd.
Parsifal, directed Herheim, conducted Gatti, Bayreuth, 2008. Barry Millington.
Parsifal, directed Herheim, conducted Gatti, Bayreuth, 2009. Paula M. and Edward A. Bortnichak.
Parsifal, directed Herheim, conducted Gatti, Bayreuth, 2011. Barry Millington.
Parsifal, directed Herheim, conducted Jordan, Bayreuth, 2012. Tash Siddiqui.
Parsifal, directed Hermanis, conducted Bychkov, Vienna, 2018. Michael Fuller.
Parsifal, directed Jones, conducted Jordan, Opéra Bastille, Paris, 2018. Michael Fuller.
Parsifal, directed Kupfer, conducted Taijiro, Tokyo, 2014. Paul du Quenoy.
Parsifal, directed Langridge, conducted Pappano, Royal Opera House, London, 2013. Tash Siddiqui.
Parsifal, directed Laufenberg, conducted Haenchen, Bayreuth, 2016. Barry Millington.
Parsifal, directed Laufenberg, conducted Haenchen, Bayreuth, 2017. Barry Millington.
Parsifal, directed Miyamoto, conducted Letonja, Strasbourg 2020. Matthew Rye.
Parsifal, directed Pilavachi, conducted Brogli-Sacher, Lübeck, 2013. Matthew Rye.
Parsifal, directed Reinhardt, conducted Kamioka, Wuppertal, 2015. Matthew Rye.
Parsifal, directed Scheib, conducted Heras-Casado, Bayreuth, 2023. Barry Millington.
Parsifal, directed Scheib, conducted Heras-Casado, Bayreuth, 2024. Richard Laing.
Parsifal, directed Schloemer, conducted Soltesz, Essen, 2013. Matthew Rye.
Parsifal, directed Schüler, conducted Soddy, Mannheim, 2018. Matthew Rye.
Parsifal, directed Serebrennikov, conducted Jordan, Vienna, 2021 (via Arte Concert). Michael Fuller.
Parsifal, directed Stölzl, conducted Kober, Deutsche Oper Berlin, 2014. Mark Berry.
Parsifal, directed Stölzl, conducted Runnicles, Deutsche Oper Berlin, 2019. Michael Fuller.
Parsifal, directed Stölzl, conducted Runnicles, Deutsche Oper Berlin, 2024. Hermann Grampp.
Parsifal, directed Tcherniakov, conducted Barenboim, Berlin Staatsoper, 2015. Mark Berry.
Parsifal, directed Thalheimer, conducted Nott, Geneva, 2023. Michael Fuller.
Parsifal, directed Warner, conducted Brown, Karlsruhe, 2015. Barry Millington.
Parsifal (concert perf.), conducted Hengelbrock, Madrid, 2013. Peter Quantrill.
Parsifal (concert perf.), conducted Nelsons, Birmingham, 2015. Arnold Whittall.
Das Rheingold, directed Arvelo, conducted Dudamel, Los Angeles, 2024. Katherine Syer.
Das Rheingold, directed Burbach, conducted Selwyn, Arcola Theatre, London, 2019. Richard Laing.
Das Rheingold, directed Cassiers, conducted Barenboim, Milan, 2010. Katherine Syer.
Das Rheingold, directed Freyer, conducted Conlon, Los Angeles, 2009. Katherine Syer, Simon Williams.
Das Rheingold, directed Herheim, conducted Runnicles, Deutsche Oper Berlin, 2021. Hermann Grampp.
Das Rheingold, directed Hermann, conducted Brown, Karlsruhe, 2016. Matthew Rye.
Das Rheingold, directed Hilsdorf, conducted Kober, Düsseldorf, 2017. Matthew Rye.
Das Rheingold, directed Kosky, conducted Pappano, Royal Opera House, London, 2023. Richard Laing.
Das Rheingold, directed Krämer, conducted Jordan, Opéra Bastille, Paris, 2010. Mark Berry.
Das Rheingold, directed Kratzer, conducted Jurowski, Munich, 2024. Sebastian Kranner.
Das Rheingold, directed Lepage, conducted Levine, New York Met, 2010. Wayne Gooding.
Das Rheingold, directed Marciniak, conducted Carter, Bern, 2022. Chris Walton.
Das Rheingold, directed Münstermann, conducted Huber, Pforzheim, 2018. Matthew Rye.
Das Rheingold, directed Nemirova, conducted Weigle, Frankfurt, 2010. Katherine Syer.
Das Rheingold, directed Simons, conducted Currentzis, Bochum, 2015. Matthew Rye.
Das Rheingold, directed Trompert, conducted Vernon, Victoria, British Columbia, 2014. Wayne Gooding.
Das Rheingold, directed von Peter and Cianfarini, conducted Nott, Basel, 2023. Michael Fuller.
Rienzi, directed Joel, conducted Foremny, Leipzig, 2022. Michael Fuller.
Rienzi, directed Oldag, conducted Kütson, Krefeld, 2013. Matthew Rye.
Rienzi, directed Reitmeier, conducted Beikircher, Innsbruck, 2018. Matthew Rye.
Rienzi, directed Stölzl, conducted Rogister, Deutsche Oper Berlin, 2016. Michael Fuller.
Rienzi, directed Stölzl, conducted Rogister, Deutsche Oper Berlin, 2019. Mark Berry.
Der Ring des Nibelungen, directed Armfield, conducted Inkinen, Melbourne, 2013. Michael Ewans.
Der Ring des Nibelungen, directed Armfield, conducted Inkinen, Melbourne, 2016. Barry Millington.
Der Ring des Nibelungen, directed Bechtolf, conducted Rattle, Vienna, 2015. Barry Millington.
Der Ring des Nibelungen, directed Dew, conducted Meister, Darmstadt, 2013. Matthew Rye.
Der Ring des Nibelungen, directed Dorst, conducted Thielemann, Bayreuth, 2007. Barry Millington.
Der Ring des Nibelungen, directed Holm, conducted Bühl, Stockholm, 2008. Katherine Syer.
Der Ring des Nibelungen, directed Kriegenburg, conducted Nagano, Munich, 2012. Tash Siddiqui.
Der Ring des Nibelungen, directed Lane, conducted Negus, Longborough, 2024. Roland Matthews.
Der Ring des Nibelungen, directed Lepage, conducted Luisi, New York Met, 2012. Wayne Gooding.
Der Ring des Nibelungen, directed Privett, conducted Negus, Longborough, 2013. Roger Allen.
Der Ring des Nibelungen, directed Schwarz, conducted Meister, Bayreuth, 2022. Barry Millington.
Der Ring des Nibelungen, directed Schwarz, conducted Young, Bayreuth, 2024. Richard Laing.
Der Ring des Nibelungen, directed Zambello, conducted Auguin, Washington DC, 2016. Paul du Quenoy.
Siegfried, directed Arnarsson, conducted Brown, Karlsruhe, 2017. Matthew Rye.
Siegfried, directed Braunschweig, conducted Rattle, Aix-en-Provence, 2008. Mark Berry.
Siegfried directed Cassiers, conducted Barenboim, Schillertheater, 2013. Mark Berry.
Siegfried, directed Freyer, conducted Conlon, Los Angeles, 2009. Simon Williams.
Siegfried, directed Lane, conducted Negus, Longborough, 2022. Barry Millington.
Siegfried, directed Lepage, conducted Luisi, New York Met, 2011. Wayne Gooding.
Siegfried, directed Krämer, conducted Jordan, Opéra Bastille, Paris, 2011. Mark Berry.
Siegfried, directed Neidhardt, conducted Vestmann, Oldenburg, 2018. Matthew Rye.
Siegfried, directed Staunton, conducted Woodward, Regents Opera, 2024. Christopher Morley.
Siegfried, directed von Peter and Cianfarini, conducted Nott, Basel, 2024. Michael Fuller.
Siegfried (concert perf.), conducted Jurowski, Royal Festival Hall, London, 2020. Niall Hoskin.
Tannhäuser, directed Albery, conducted Bychkov, Royal Opera House, London, 2010. Ian Palmer.
Tannhäuser, directed Albery, conducted Weigle, Royal Opera House, London, 2023. Michael Fuller.
Tannhäuser, directed Baumgarten, conducted Hengelbrock, Bayreuth, 2011. Barry Millington.
Tannhäuser, directed Baumgarten, conducted Thielemann, Bayreuth, 2012. Tash Siddiqui.
Tannhäuser, directed Bieito, conducted Dmitri Jurowski, Antwerp, 2015. Matthew Rye.
Tannhäuser, directed Calis, conducted Hahn, Wuppertal, 2022. Matthew Rye.
Tannhäuser, directed Carsen, conducted Elder, Opéra Bastille, Paris, 2011. Mark Berry.
Tannhäuser, directed Castellucci, conducted Kirill Petrenko, Munich, 2017. Michael Fuller.
Tannhäuser, directed Castellucci, conducted Nelsons, Salzburg, 2023. Richard Laing.
Tannhäuser, directed Corradi, conducted Abdullah, Aachen, 2016. Matthew Rye.
Tannhäuser, directed Harms, conducted Schirmer, Deutsche Oper Berlin, 2010. Mark Berry.
Tannhäuser, directed Harms, conducted Inkinen, Deutsche Oper Berlin, 2023. Hermann Grampp.
Tannhäuser, directed Herheim, conducted Badea, Oslo, 2010. Erling E. Guldbrandsen.
Tannhäuser, directed Konwitschny, conducted Wellber, Dresden, 2019. Michael Fuller.
Tannhäuser, directed Kratzer, conducted Gergiev, Bayreuth, 2019. Barry Millington.
Tannhäuser, directed Kupfer, conducted Albrecht, Zurich, 2013. Michael Fuller.
Tannhäuser, directed Loy, conducted Albrecht, Amsterdam, 2019. Michael Fuller.
Tannhäuser, directed Mundruczó, conducted Nagano, Hamburg, 2022. Matthew Rye.
Tannhäuser, directed Slater, conducted Pähn, Tallinn, 2015. Paula M. and Edward A. Bortnichak.
Tannhäuser, directed Solfaghari, conducted Stenz, Cologne, 2008. Barry Millington.
Tannhäuser, directed Waltz, conducted Barenboim, Schillertheater, Berlin, 2012. Mark Berry.
Tristan und Isolde, directed Christopher Alden, conducted Brown, Karlsruhe, 2016. Matthew Rye.
Tristan und Isolde, directed Anderson, conducted Kout, Copenhagen, 2009. Nila Parly.
Tristan und Isolde, directed Arnarsson, conducted Bychkov, Bayreuth, 2024. Barry Millington.
Tristan und Isolde, directed Audi, conducted Albrecht, Amsterdam, 2018. Michael Fuller.
Tristan und Isolde, directed Edwards, conducted Barlow, Grange Park, 2023. Barry Milllington.
Tristan und Isolde, directed Fielding, conducted Barlow, Grange Park, 2011. Roland Matthews.
Tristan und Isolde, directed Guth, conducted Haitink, Zurich, 2010. Mark Berry.
Tristan und Isolde, directed Jakobi, conducted Negus, Longborough, 2015. Barry Millington.
Tristan und Isolde, directed Kautz, conducted Soddy, Mannheim, 2021. Matthew Rye.
Tristan und Isolde, directed Kazaras, conducted Fisch, Seattle, 2010. Andrew Moravcsik.
Tristan und Isolde, directed Kosky, conducted Beermann, Essen, 2017. Matthew Rye.
Tristan und Isolde, directed Lübbe, conducted Schirmer, Leipzig, 2019. Mark Berry.
Tristan und Isolde, directed Marelli, conducted Thielemann, Dresden, 2024. Michael Fuller.
Tristan und Isolde, directed Marthaler, conducted Schneider, Bayreuth, 2011. Barry Millington.
Tristan und Isolde, directed Marthaler, conducted Schneider, Bayreuth, 2012. Tash Siddiqui.
Tristan und Isolde, directed Müller, conducted Trinks, Kassel, 2018. Matthew Rye.
Tristan und Isolde, directed Pilavichi, conducted Brogli-Sache, Lübeck, 2014. Matthew Rye.
Tristan und Isolde, directed Poda, conducted Mehta, Florence, 2014. Michael Fuller.
Tristan und Isolde, directed Schulz, conducted Baumann, Gelsenkirchen, 2017. Matthew Rye.
Tristan und Isolde, directed Schwab, conducted Poschner, Bayreuth, 2022. Barry Millington.
Tristan und Isolde, directed Sellars, conducted Bychkov, Opéra Bastille, Paris, 2008. Mark Berry.
Tristan und Isolde, directed Stone, conducted Rattle, Aix-en-Provence, 2021. Diane V. Silverthorne.
Tristan und Isolde, directed Tcherniakov, conducted Barenboim, Berlin Staatsoper, 2018. Mark Berry.
Tristan und Isolde, directed Thoma, conducted Weigle, Frankfurt, 2020. Matthew Rye.
Tristan und Isolde, directed Treliński, conducted Rattle, Baden-Baden, 2016. Simon Morgan.
Tristan und Isolde, directed Vick, conducted Runnicles, Deutsche Oper Berlin, 2016. Michael Fuller.
Tristan und Isolde, directed Vick, conducted Valčuha, Deutsche Oper Berlin, 2024. Hermann Grampp.
Die Walküre, directed Cassiers, conducted Barenboim, Schillertheater, Berlin, 2011. Mark Berry.
Die Walküre, directed Chaundy, conducted Negus, Melbourne, 2022. David Ames.
Die Walküre, directed Dietz, conducted Angelico, Kassel, 2019. Matthew Rye.
Die Walküre, directed Freyer, conducted Conlon, Los Angeles, 2009. Katherine Syer, Simon Williams.
Die Walküre, directed Herheim, conducted Runnicles, Deutsche Oper Berlin, 2020. Hermann Grampp.
Die Walküre, directed Krämer, conducted Jordan, Opéra Bastille, Paris, 2010. Mark Berry.
Die Walküre, directed Lane, conducted Negus, Longborough, 2021. Barry Millington.
Die Walküre, directed Lepage, conducted Levine, New York Met, 2011. Wayne Gooding.
Die Walküre, directed Müller-Elmau, conducted Carter, Coburg, 2022. Matthew Rye.
Die Walküre, directed Peters-Messer, conducted Ishii, Magdeburg 2018. Matthew Rye.
Die Walküre, directed Sharon, conducted Brown, Karlsruhe, 2016. Matthew Rye.
Die Walküre, directed Staunton, conducted Woodward, Regents Opera, 2023. Richard Laing.
Die Walküre, directed von Peter and Cianfarini, conducted Nott, Basel, 2023. Michael Fuller.
Die Walküre, Act I (concert perf.), conducted Fisch, Munich, 2021 (streamed). Michael Fuller.
Wesendonck Lieder (orch. Henze), conducted Lowe, Glasgow, 2021 (streamed). Michael Fuller.
The New York Met’s autumn ‘Wagner Week’ of streamed performances, 2020. Matthew Rye.
The View from the Villa, The Brunton Theatre, Musselburgh, 2021. Michael Fuller.
Reviews (CDs)
Wagner’s Vision: Bayreuth Heritage (Documents/The Intense Media). David Breckbill.
Der fliegende Holländer, conducted Janowski, Berlin, 2010 (PentaTone). Matthew Rye.
Der fliegende Holländer, conducted Keilberth, Bayreuth, 1955 (Testament). David Breckbill.
Der fliegende Holländer, conducted Keilberth, Bayreuth, 1956 (Walhall). David Breckbill.
Der fliegende Holländer, conducted Nelsons, Amsterdam, 2013 (RCO Live). Matthew Rye.
Der fliegende Holländer, conducted Sawallisch, Bayreuth, 1960 (Andromeda). Richard Laing.
Der fliegende Holländer, conducted Schippers, New York Met, 1960 (Walhall). David Breckbill.
Götterdämmerung, conducted Elder, Manchester, 2009 (Hallé). David Breckbill.
Götterdämmerung, conducted Fisch, Adelaide, 2004 (Melba). David Breckbill.
Götterdämmerung, conducted Keilberth, Bayreuth, 1955 (Testament). David Breckbill.
Götterdämmerung, conducted van Zweden, Hong Kong, 2018 (Naxos). Niall Hoskin.
Götterdämmerung, Act III, conducted Solti, London, 1963 (Testament). David Breckbill.
Lohengrin, conducted Böhm, Vienna, 1965 (Orfeo). David Breckbill.
Lohengrin, conducted Bychkov, Cologne, 2008 (Hänssler Profil). Roger Allen.
Lohengrin, conducted Cluytens, Bayreuth, 1958 (Walhall). David Breckbill.
Lohengrin, conducted Elder, Amsterdam, 2015 (RCO). Arnold Whittall.
Lohengrin, conducted Janowski, Berlin, 2011 (PentaTone). Matthew Rye.
Lohengrin, conducted Knappertsbusch, Munich, 1963 (Orfeo). David Breckbill.
Lohengrin, conducted Matačić, Bayreuth, 1959 (Orfeo). David Breckbill.
Lohengrin, conducted Sawallisch, Milan, 1965, with other excerpts (Living Stage). Mike Ashman.
Lohengrin, conducted Schippers, New York Met, 1959 (Walhall). David Breckbill.
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, conducted Böhm, Bayreuth, 1968 (Orfeo). David Breckbill.
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, conducted Cluytens, Bayreuth, 1956 (Walhall). David Breckbill.
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, conducted Janowski, Berlin, 2011 (PentaTone). David Breckbill.
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, Act III, conducted Böhm, Dresden, 1938 (Hänssler). Simon Trezise.
Parsifal, conducted Elder, Royal Albert Hall, London, 2013 (Hallé). Niall Hoskin.
Parsifal, conducted Gergiev, St Petersburg, 2009 (Mariinsky). David Breckbill.
Parsifal, conducted Janowski, Berlin 2011 (PentaTone). David Breckbill.
Parsifal, conducted Jordan, Vienna, 2021 (Sony). Arnold Whittall.
Parsifal, conducted Kempe, Royal Opera House, London, 1959 (Testament). David Breckbill.
Parsifal, conducted Knappertsbusch, Bayreuth, 1956 (Walhall). David Breckbill.
Parsifal, conducted Knappertsbusch, Bayreuth, 1958 (Walhall). David Breckbill.
Parsifal, conducted Knappertsbusch, Bayreuth, 1964 (Orfeo). David Breckbill.
Parsifal, conducted Leitner, Opéra Garnier, Paris, 1954 (Profil). Paul du Quenoy.
Parsifal, conducted Ötvös, Venice, 2005 (Dynamic). Arnold Whittall.
Parsifal, conducted Sawallisch, Rome, 1970 (Myto). Arnold Whittall.
Parsifal, conducted Thielemann, Vienna, 2005 (Deutsche Grammophon). Arnold Whittall.
Parsifal, conducted van Zweden, Amsterdam, 2010 (Challenge Classics). David Breckbill.
Das Rheingold, conducted Elder, Manchester, 2016 (Hallé). Niall Hoskin.
Das Rheingold, conducted Fisch, Adelaide, 2004 (Melba). Simon Trezise.
Das Rheingold, conducted Gergiev, St Petersburg, 2010 and 2012 (Mariinsky). David Breckbill.
Das Rheingold, conducted Rattle, Munich, 2015 (BR-Klassik). Niall Hoskin.
Das Rheingold, conducted van Zweden, Hong Kong, 2015 (Naxos). Niall Hoskin.
Der Ring des Nibelungen, conducted Fisch, Seattle, 2013 (Avie). David Breckbill.
Der Ring des Nibelungen, conducted Haenchen, Amsterdam, 2004–5 (Etcetera). Arnold Whittall.
Der Ring des Nibelungen, conducted Haitink, Munich, 1988–91, reissued 2006 (EMI). Simon Trezise.
Der Ring des Nibelungen, conducted Janowski, Dresden, 1981–2 (RCA). David Breckbill.
Der Ring des Nibelungen, conducted Karajan, Berlin, 1966–9 (Deutsche Grammophon). Arnold Whittall.
Der Ring des Nibelungen, conducted Keilberth, Bayreuth, 1955 (Testament). David Breckbill.
Der Ring des Nibelungen, conducted Knappertsbusch, Bayreuth, 1956 (Orfeo). David Breckbill.
Der Ring des Nibelungen, conducted Knappertsbusch, Bayreuth, 1958 (Walhall). David Breckbill.
Der Ring des Nibelungen, conducted Krauss, Bayreuth, 1953 (Orfeo). David Breckbill.
Der Ring des Nibelungen, conducted Leinsdorf, New York Met, 1962 (Walhall). David Breckbill.
Der Ring des Nibelungen, conducted Thielemann, Bayreuth, 2008 (Opus Arte). David Breckbill.
Der Ring des Nibelungen, conducted Zagrosek, Stuttgart, 2002–3 (Naxos). Arnold Whittall.
Der Ring des Nibelungen, highlights, conducted Fisch, Adelaide, 2004 (Melba). Matthew Rye.
Siegfried, conducted Ehrling, Stockholm, 1987 (Sterling). Simon Trezise.
Siegfried, conducted Elder, Manchester, 2018 (Hallé). Niall Hoskin.
Siegfried, conducted Fisch, Adelaide, 2004 (Melba). David Breckbill.
Siegfried, conducted Janowski, Dresden, 1982 (Sony Classical). Arnold Whittall.
Siegfried, conducted Keilberth, Bayreuth, 1955 (Hännsler). Richard Laing.
Siegfried, conducted Rattle, Munich, 2023 (BR-Klassik). Dexter Drown.
Siegfried, conducted van Zweden, Hong Kong, 2017 (Naxos). Niall Hoskin.
Siegfried, Act III (abridged), conducted Inkinen, Saarbrücken (SWR Music). Niall Hoskin.
Tannhäuser, conducted Sawallisch, Bayreuth, 1961 (Orfeo). Peter Quantrill.
Tristan und Isolde, conducted Böhm, New York Met, 1960 (Walhall). David Breckbill.
Tristan und Isolde, conducted Fisch, Perth, 2018 (ABC Classics). John Warner.
Tristan und Isolde, conducted Janowski, Berlin, 2012 (PentaTone). David Breckbill.
Tristan und Isolde, conducted Stiedry, New York Met, 1958 (Walhall). David Breckbill.
Tristan und Isolde, Act II, conducted Barbirolli, London, 1954 (Barbirolli Society). John Warner.
Die Walküre, conducted Cristofoli, Aarhus, 1987 (Sterling). Dexter Drown.
Die Walküre, conducted Elder, Manchester, 2011 (Hallé). Matthew Rye.
Die Walküre, conducted Fisch, Adelaide, 2004 (Melba). Simon Trezise.
Die Walküre, conducted Furtwängler, Vienna, 1954 (Naxos). Roger Allen.
Die Walküre, conducted Janowski, Dresden, 1981 (Sony Classical). Arnold Whittall.
Die Walküre, conducted Keilberth, Barcelona, 1955 (Walhall). David Breckbill.
Die Walküre, conducted Klobucar, New York Met, 1968 (Sony Classical). David Breckbill.
Die Walküre, conducted Rattle, Munich, 2019 (BR-Klassik). Matthew Rye.
Die Walküre, conducted Solti, Royal Opera House, London, 1961 (Testament). David Breckbill.
Die Walküre, conducted van Zweden, Hong Kong, 2016 (Naxos). Niall Hoskin.
Die Walküre, Act I, conducted Tennstedt, Royal Festival Hall, London, 1991 (LPO). Niall Hoskin.
Die Walküre, Act I, Act II Scenes 3 and 5, conducted Walter, Vienna, 1935 (EMI). Simon Trezise.
Excerpts, conducted Elder, Manchester, 2007 (Hallé). Dominic McHugh.
Excerpts, conducted Knappertsbusch, Vienna, 1950–53 (Preiser). Simon Trezise.
Excerpts, conducted Monteux, Scheveningen, 1963 (Testament). David Breckbill.
Excerpts, arranged Woodward, conducted Woodward, 2022 (Toccata Classics). Matthew Rye.
Overtures, Siegfried Idyll, conducted Märkl, Leipzig, 2017 (Naxos). John Warner.
Preludes and Overtures, conducted Semkow, St Louis, Missouri, 1977 (Vox). Richard Laing.
Wagner and Liszt, piano Cooper (Chandos). Malcolm Miller.
Wagner, transcriptions by Liszt, piano Fisch (Melba). Matthew Rye.
Wagner, transcriptions by Stradal, piano Vizcarra (Toccata Classics). Matthew Rye.
Wagner, original piano music and transcriptions, piano Williams (Signum). David Breckbill.
Boten der Liebe, Voyager Quartet, Wahnfried, Bayreuth, 2020 (Solo Musica). Richard Laing.
Fritz Reiner: The Complete Columbia Album Collection, 1940–50 (Sony). Richard Laing.
Gluck, Iphigenia in Aulis (arr. Wagner), conducted Spering (Oehms Classics). Matthew Rye.
Herbert Janssen: Portrait of a Mastersinger, 1927–48 (Marston Records). Niall Hoskin.
Jessye Norman, The Unreleased Masters, 1989–98 (Decca). Richard Laing.
Johan Botha: Wiener Staatsoper Live, 1997–2014 (Orfeo). Niall Hoskin.
Parsifal Suite, constructed by Gourlay, conducted Gourlay, 2022 (Orchid Classics). Matthew Rye.
Vocal recital, tenor Behle, conducted Rösner, Istanbul, 2023 (Prospero). Joe Davies.
Vocal recital, soprano Davidsen, conducted Salonen, London, 2019 (Decca). Mike Ashman.
Vocal recital, soprano Davidsen, conducted Elder, London, 2020 (Decca). Matthew Rye.
Vocal recital, soprano Gleich, conducted Bollon, 2020 (Stone Records). Niall Hoskin.
Vocal recital, soprano Netrebko, conducted Chailly, 2020–21 (Deutsche Grammophon). Matthew Rye.
Vocal recital, soprano Nylund, conducted Lintu (Ondine). David Breckbill.
Vocal recital, tenor O’Neill, conducted Inkinen, New Zealand, 2010 (EMI). David Breckbill.
Vocal recital, bass-baritone Rutherford, conducted Litton, Bergen, 2014 (BIS). Roland Matthews.
Vocal recital, tenor Vogt, soprano Uhl, conducted Schneider, 2012 (Sony Classical). Matthew Rye.
Reviews (DVDs)
The Bayreuth Edition (Opus Arte). Matthew Rye.
The Wagner Edition (Opus Arte). Matthew Rye.
Der fliegende Holländer, directed Curran, conducted Luisi, Florence, 2019 (C major). Richard Laing.
Götterdämmerung, directed Schulz, conducted St Clair, Weimar, 2008 (Arthaus). Mark Berry.
Das Liebesverbot, directed Holten, conducted Bolton, Madrid, 2016 (Opus Arte). Roland Matthews.
Lohengrin, directed Neuenfels, conducted Nelsons, Bayreuth, 2011 (Opus Arte). Graeme Feggetter.
Lohengrin, directed Schilling, conducted Meister, Stuttgart, 2018 (BelAir). Richard Laing.
Lohengrin, directed Weber, conducted Abbado, Vienna, 1990 (Arthaus). Graeme Feggetter.
Parsifal, directed Castellucci, conducted Haenchen, Brussels, 2011 (BelAir). Peter Quantrill.
Parsifal, directed Girard, conducted Gatti, New York Met, 2013 (Sony). Barry Millington.
Parsifal, directed Kupfer, conducted Barenboim, Berlin Staatsoper, 1992 (EuroArts). Barry Emslie.
Parsifal, directed Tcherniakov, conducted Barenboim, Berlin Staatsoper, 2015 (BelAir). Tom DeRose.
Parsifal, directed Wolfgang Wagner, conducted Sinopoli, Bayreuth, 1998 (C major). Peter Quantrill.
Das Rheingold, directed Kartaloff, conducted Baleff, Sofia, 2010 (Dynamic). Matthew Rye.
Das Rheingold, directed Schulz, conducted St Clair, Weimar, 2008 (Arthaus). Mark Berry.
Rienzi, directed Lavelli, conducted Steinberg, Toulouse, 2012 (Opus Arte). Barry Emslie.
Siegfried, directed Schulz, conducted St Clair, Weimar, 2008 (Arthaus). Mark Berry.
Tannhäuser, directed Baumgarten, conducted Kober, Bayreuth, 2014 (Opus Arte). Matthew Rye.
Tannhäuser, directed Carsen, conducted Weigle, Barcelona, 2008 (C major). Barry Emslie.
Tannhäuser, directed Holten, conducted Layer, Copenhagen, 2009 (Decca). Barry Emslie.
Tannhäuser, directed Waltz, conducted Barenboim, Berlin, 2014 (BelAir). Matthew Rye.
Tristan und Isolde (concert perf.), conducted Bernstein, Munich, 1981 (C major/Unitel). John Warner.
Die Walküre, directed Braunschweig, conducted Rattle, Aix-en-Provence, 2007 (BelAir). Mark Berry.
Die Walküre, directed Kartaloff, conducted Baleff, Sofia, 2011 (Dynamic). Matthew Rye.
Die Walküre, directed Nemirova, conducted Thielemann, Salzburg, 2017 (C major). Arnold Whittall.
Die Walküre, directed Schulz, conducted St Clair, Weimar, 2008 (Arthaus). Mark Berry.
The Becoming of the Mannheim 'Ring' (Arthaus). Matthew Rye.
Wagner, directed Tony Palmer, 1983 (Gonzo Multimedia). Tim Blanning.
The Wagner Family: A Film by Tony Palmer, 2011 (Gonzo Multimedia). Tim Blanning, Eva Rieger.
Wagner’s Jews, directed Hilan Warshaw, 2013 (Overtone Films). Tim Blanning.
The Zurich Affair, directed Neubert, 2023 (Naxos). David Evans.
Reviews (books)
Tom Artin, What Parsifal Saw (Free Scholar Press, 2016). Tom DeRose.
John W. Barker, Wagner and Venice (University of Rochester Press, 2008). David Conway.
Udo Bermbach, Mythos Wagner (Rowohlt Berlin Verlag, 2013). Hermann Grampp.
Gunther Braam, Richard Wagner in der zeitgenössischen Fotografie (ConBrio, 2015). Barry Millington.
Simon Callow, Being Wagner: The Triumph of the Will (William Collins, 2017). Niall Hoskin.
Patrick Carnegy, Wagner and the Art of the Theatre (Yale University Press, 2006). Simon Williams.
Jonathan Carr, The Wagner Clan (Faber and Faber, 2007). Tim Blanning.
John Deathridge, Wagner Beyond Good and Evil (University of California Press, 2008). Roger Allen.
Therese Dolan, Manet, Wagner, and the Musical Culture of Their Time (Ashgate, 2013). Paul du Quenoy.
Barry Emslie, Richard Wagner and the Centrality of Love (Boydell Press, 2010). Mark Berry.
Christopher Fifield, Hans Richter (The Boydell Press, 2016). Roger Allen.
Jens Malte Fischer, Richard Wagner und seine Wirkung (Paul Zsolnay Verlag, 2013). Hermann Grampp.
Raymond Furness, Richard Wagner (Reaktion Books, 2013). Barry Millington.
Helen M. Greenwald, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Opera (Oxford University Press, 2014). Mike Ashman.
Thomas S. Grey, ed., Richard Wagner and his World (Princeton University Press, 2009). David Conway.
J.P.E. Harper-Scott, The Event of Music History (Boydell Press, 2021). Jeremy Coleman.
Norbert Heinel, Richard Wagner als Dirigent (Praesens Verlag, 2006). Chris Walton.
Hans Hotter, Memoirs, tr. and ed. Donald Arthur (Northeastern University Press, 2006). Mike Ashman.
John Hunt, Wagner im Festspielhaus: The Bayreuth Recordings (Short Run Press, 2006). Mike Ashman.
Gary Kahn, ed. The Power of the ‘Ring’ (Royal Opera House, 2007). Mike Ashman.
Gary Kahn, ed., The Power of the ‘Ring’ (Royal Opera House, 2nd edn, 2012). David Trippett.
William Kinderman, Wagner’s ‘Parsifal’ (Oxford University Press, 2013). Anna Stoll Knecht.
Joachim Köhler, Der lachende Wagner: das unbekannte Leben des Bayreuther Meisters (Heyne, 2012). Chris Walton.
Heath Lees, Mallarmé and Wagner: Music and Poetic Language (Ashgate, 2007). Arnold Whittall.
Michael Letchford, Therese Malten: Wagner’s Devoted Kundry (Goar Lodge, 2010). Eva Rieger.
Wendy Ligon Smith, Fortuny: Time, Space, Light (Yale University Press, 2022). Patrick Carnegy.
Nora London, George London: Of Gods and Demons (Baskerville Great Voices, 2005). Mike Ashman.
John Lucas, Thomas Beecham: An Obsession with Music (Boydell Press, 2008). David Lloyd-Jones.
Naomi Matsumoto, ed., Staging Verdi and Wagner (Brepols, 2015). Simon Williams.
William Melton, The Wagner Tuba: A History (edition ebenos, 2008). Jonathan Burton.
Barry Millington, Richard Wagner: The Sorcerer of Bayreuth (Thames & Hudson, 2012). Mike Ashman.
Anno Mungen, Hier gilt’s der Kunst: Wieland Wagner 1941–1945 (Westend Verlag, 2021). Simon Williams.
Ernest Newman, A Study of Wagner (repr. of London and New York, 1899 edn). Barry Millington.
Ferdinand Praeger, Wagner As I Knew Him (repr. of London and New York, 1892 edn). Barry Millington.
Eva Rieger, Isolde: Richard Wagners Tochter (Insel Verlag, 2022). Jonas Karlsson.
Alex Ross, Wagnerism: Art and Politics in the Shadow of Music (New York, 2020). Heath Lees.
Yuval Sharon, A New Philosophy of Opera (Liveright Publishing, 2024). Patrick Carnegy.
Michael P. Steinberg, The Trouble with Wagner (University of Chicago Press, 2018). Barry Millington.
Anna Stoll Knecht, Mahler’s Seventh Symphony (Oxford University Press, 2019). John Warner.
Michael Tanner, The Faber Pocket Guide to Wagner (Faber and Faber, 2010). Barry Emslie.
David Trippett, ed., Wagner in Context (Cambridge University Press, 2024). Peter Franklin.
David Vernon, Disturbing the Universe: Wagner’s Musikdrama (Candle Row Press, 2021). Michael Fuller.
Richard Wagner’s ‘Beethoven’ (1870), tr. Roger Allen (Boydell Press, 2014). David Cormack.
Alan Walker, Hans von Bülow: A Life and Times (Oxford University Press, 2010). Malcolm Miller.
Chris Walton, Richard Wagner’s Zurich: The Muse of Place (Camden House, 2007). Nicholas Baragwanath.
Sabine Zurmühl, Cosima Wagner: Ein widersprüchliches Leben (Böhlau Verlag, 2022). Simon Williams.