The Wagner Journal

Not Getting Involved: Barry Emslie is unimpressed by a ‘Meistersinger’ that evades the issues

Not Getting Involved: Barry Emslie is unimpressed by a ‘Meistersinger’ that evades the issues

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Review of Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, directed Wolfgang Wagner, conducted Barenboim, Bayreuth, 1999 (Unitel Classica, 2 DVDs).

November 2008, Volume 2, Number 3, 110–12.

This set is in the paradoxical position of being unusually interesting precisely because it isn’t. In fact it is a touch disturbing how vapid the production is. Sometimes I had the feeling that Wolfgang Wagner was forever rearranging stools in order that he should have maximum opportunity of falling between them. Nonetheless what there is on show might just imply an interpretative position; or if not an interpretative position at least a stylistic disposition.

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