The Wagner Journal

Refuge Collection: Michael Fuller finds that the rewards of an entertainment based around the Wagners and the Wesendoncks prove more musical than dramatic

Refuge Collection: Michael Fuller finds that the rewards of an entertainment based around the Wagners and the Wesendoncks prove more musical than dramatic

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Review of The View from the Villa, The Brunton Theatre, Musselburgh, 2021.

March 2022, Volume 16, Number 1, 82–3.

This hour-long Wagnerian entertainment, devised and scripted by pianist Iain Burnside, was originally scheduled for performances in 2020 but fell victim to the lock-downs of that year (it could be viewed online, as a work in progress, as part of Grange Park Opera’s ‘Found Season’ last summer). It was revived in autumn 2021, and the present performance took place as part of the Lammermuir Festival in East Lothian.

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