The Wagner Journal
The Wagner Journal, November 2018, Volume 12, Number 3
The Wagner Journal, November 2018, Volume 12, Number 3
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Barry Millington, Manifestations of the Gesamtkunstwerk in Fin-de-Siècle Vienna
Deborah Calland and Barry Millington, ‘Lonely Walk’: An Unpublished Song by Alma Schindler-Mahler*
Diane V. Silverthorne, Wagner’s Tristan und Isolde, Arranged Mahler, Roller: The Will Made Visible
Eva Rieger, How a Women’s Network Kept Wagner’s Tradition Alive
Nicholas Vazsonyi, Warning: Consuming Wagner Can be Hazardous to your Health: Tristan und Isolde and Death in Venice
Tash Siddiqui, ‘Guy and Doll’, ‘Isolde ohne Tristan’ and a Silent Soprano: Report on the ‘Wagner 1900’ Conference
Reviews (live performances)
Asking the Right Questions: Barry Millington enjoys a new Bayreuth Lohengrin that sides with Elsa
Cult Fiction: Michael Fuller finds much to ponder in Richard Jones’s new Parsifal in Paris
The Sound of Silence: Christopher Wintle reports on the Holländer at Longborough
Reviews (CDs)
All Hail to the Hallé Ring: Niall Hoskin salutes the third instalment of a Mancunian cycle
Reviews (books)
A Remarkable Early Kundry: Simon Trezise evaluates a celebration of a highly regarded English mezzo
* Supplement (available for purchase separately)